Information & Directions

Information & Directions

The following is provided for your information before and during your stay.

1. Please check your information Guestbook to confirm the dates of your stay.

2. Check-in Procedures: Check-in time is *after 4:00 pm* on your arrival date. Use our Guestbook for directions to the unit, access, and information, i.e., internet password, etc.  We apologize in advance for not offering any early check-in during specific times of the year.

3. Check-out Procedures: Check-out time is before 10:00 am on your departure date. We apologize in advance for not being able to offer late departures during specific times of the year.

Additionally, we ask you to follow some closing procedures for the unit:

-Run the dishwasher.

-Take out all the trash.

-Do not strip the beds; leave that to us!

-Secure the unit.

-Turn the heat down to 60

-Gather all your things.

4. Vehicles: Due to limited parking space, most complexes allow only two (2) vehicles per unit. If you are bringing a trailer or motor home, please let us know immediately so we can make the appropriate arrangements for additional space on your behalf.  Ensure you follow all parking rules, i.e., driveways, parking lots, on-street, etc., to avoid being ticketed and/or towed at your own expense.

5. Housekeeping Services: We will provide all the towels and linens during your stay. Any additional housekeeping needs, such as towel and linen changes or mid-week cleans, are offered at $45.00 per hour. Please give us a call to make those arrangements.  We highly recommend bringing your own towels to use at the clubhouse amenities. (Any missing or excessively soiled/stained towels will be charged at your expense.) We ask that you use disposable facial towels for any make-up removal.

6. Supplies / Firewood: We have provided paper products within your unit during your stay. If more supplies are needed, you will need to purchase them. Please use paper towels for spills and other large clean-ups.  As for Firewood, we choose to be environmentally conscious and do not offer it during April – November, and we would appreciate your support with this in mind.

7. Shoes, boots, and ski boots: Please observe that within some of our properties, we require that NO shoes and boots of any type be worn or brought into the unit. You must abide by the owner’s request if this unit is your reserved property. You may leave your shoes and boots in the garage or by the front/back doors. NO SKI BOOTS OF ANY TYPE may be worn on our properties.

8. Skis and Bicycles: Some of our units provide ski racks in the unit or garage; please utilize them. 

If your unit does not have a ski rack, please place them on the deck or in a closet, keeping in mind to prevent any damage from avoiding any charges. Bicycles will be stored on the patio or in the garage, NOT IN THE UNIT. We are not responsible for lost or stolen items, and it is in your best interest to secure such items. We also suggest not leaving your skis or bicycles on or in your vehicles.

9. “MI CASA ES SU CASA” Our final request for your stay: please respect the unit as much as we do. Our rental homes are individually owned and inventoried separately from any other units. Therefore, DO NOT REMOVE any items from the unit or remove any items from one unit to another.

Your unit will be provided with everything you need; if another item is required, please call us to discover a solution.  Also, “Think Green” by turning off all lights when unnecessary.

 Do you have any questions? Call us! 800-944-5994 | 970-262-1269

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